Clinical assessment of carcinoma Head of the Pancreas operability?
General examination: Deep jaundice. Sign of cirrhosis. Virchow's gland Local Examination: Hepatomegaly irregular nodule. Lump in abdomen. Ascites. Sister marry joseph nodule. Severe pain due to involvment of posterior structure. Involved duodenum: Vomiting, Malena. Severe weight loss. Severe anorexia. Investigation findings: Altered liver function. CT scan 1.Mass more than 4 cm than beyond pancreas. 2.Peripancreatic structure involvment 3.Peri pancreatic lymphnode 4.Portal vein involvment 5.Liver Mets 6.Ascites Per operative: Peritoneal seedling. But can be seen in PET CT scan. Portal vein involvment. #Mass in the head, how we can take tissue from mass USG CT guided FNAC. Endoluminal USG. Difficult part of dissection Uncinate process. Third part of duodenum.