Clinical assessment of carcinoma Head of the Pancreas operability?

General examination:
Deep jaundice. Sign of cirrhosis.
Virchow's gland
Local Examination:
Hepatomegaly irregular nodule.
Lump in abdomen.
Sister marry joseph nodule.
Severe pain due to involvment of posterior structure.
Involved duodenum: Vomiting, Malena.
Severe weight loss. Severe anorexia.
Investigation findings:
Altered liver function.
CT scan
1.Mass more than 4 cm than beyond pancreas.
2.Peripancreatic structure involvment
3.Peri pancreatic lymphnode
4.Portal vein involvment
5.Liver Mets
Per operative:
Peritoneal seedling. But can be seen in PET CT scan.
Portal vein involvment.
#Mass in the head, how we can take tissue from mass
USG CT guided FNAC.
Endoluminal USG.
Difficult part of dissection
Uncinate process. Third part of duodenum.


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

Autonomous Sensory Zones of Peripheral Nerves

“সভ্যতার অসুখ”- উচ্চরক্তচাপ

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